Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School

Honors and Organizations
A and A/B Honor Rolls
Each quarter, students in 3rd through 8th grades who make all As/ satisfactory grades or all As and Bs/ satisfactory grades are acknowledged by receiving a special certificate and ribbon for their accomplishment. Good conduct is also essential.
National Junior Honor Society
Students are chosen to be inducted into this prestigious society based on the five ideals of the organization as proven by the students through their activities and teachers’ recommendations. The criteria include Scholarship (3.5 quarterly grade point average), Leadership, Service, Character, and Citizenship. The NJHS society brings recognition to each outstanding student’s accomplishments. This acknowledgment is one of the highest honors that can be awarded at this level. Chapters in more than 5,000 secondary schools across the nation strive to give practical meaning to its goals.
House Program: Six Houses - One Home
The general purpose of a House system is to promote a positive, unified, character-focused school environment that complements its strong academics. The OLS House program includes six houses rooted in the Catholic faith, whose names are based on an apparition of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The Houses include Fatima, Genazzano, Guadalupe, Kibeho, La Salette, and Lourdes. This program includes grades 5th-8th students, with Wee-K - 4th grade as their buddy classes.
Peer Helpers
Each year, 8th-grade students are selected based on their grade point average, teacher recommendations, their answers to questionnaires, and individual interviews. These select students act as ambassadors for the school and have a variety of responsibilities throughout the year, including assistance in hosting special school events and helping younger students with reading, writing skills, math facts, and art projects. They also help teachers and work in the library.
Technology Team
Selected 8th-grade students work together to assist the Technology Coordinator with day to day technology needs. In addition, the team also works together on special media-type projects throughout the school year.
Yearbook Staff
The 8th-grade yearbook staff is carefully selected based on teacher recommendations, student grade point averages, and a detailed application. These students provide the artistic and creative content for the school yearbook with the responsibilities of conducting interviews, writing copy, editing, proofreading, shooting pictures, and selling advertisements. They also oversee promoting the sale of the yearbook.
Altar Servers
This opportunity is open to any Catholic students who would like to serve their school and church community. Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School students interested in being an altar server for school liturgies and prayer services must contact the school’s director of religious education. Altar server training is available through the church by contacting Kent Graeve at kentgraeve@gmail.com
American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School and church hosts the organization, which offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences to its members. The girls meet in the evening on the first Wednesday of the month for a Troop meeting. In addition, they participate in other events throughout the year.
Cub Scout Pack 237 and Boy Scout Troop 237
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School and church hosts Cub Scout Pack 237 and Boy Scout Troop 237. Cub Scouts begin as early as 1st grade with the Tiger cubs. In second grade, boys can earn the rank of Cub Scout. Every year they have an opportunity to participate in the Pinewood Derby, where every scout builds a model car to compete against each other for a trophy. Cub Scouts can also go on campouts with their parents and fellow scouts to participate in many fun activities!
Membership in Boy Scouts is open to all boys who have completed fifth grade through 18 years old, working toward an Eagle Scout ranking. The organization offers a merit badge program, service projects, boy leadership opportunities, campouts, and many more exciting outdoor activities.